Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Website is Important to Business

There are 10 reasons why your business needs a website. Let's find out...

1. With a website, your business is not only focusing on nationwide, your business is focusing internationally.

2. A website is a cost effective marketing tool for your business. It's a place where your customers can get to know your products or services.

3. A website can promote your business every seconds, 365 days a year without a sleep.

4. Because your website is operating everyday and night, your customers can enjoy great customer service all the time.

5. Having a website enables your business to grow.

6. With a website, your customers will understand better with your business.

7. Your yahoo or hotmail email address does not give a professional outlook to your business. With personalised business email address from your website, it is very professional and presentable for your business.

8. Computer has now become a household item with ever increasing people connected to the internet to pay bills, buy things, source for information etc. Therefore, Website is a must.

9. You can be contacted to purchase or enquire about your products or services via your website and not limited to your working hours.

10. Greater publicity - Your website gives your business a greater publicity.


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